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Old 09-19-2012, 01:37 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Adak View Post
This is SD however. We have a lot of homes that are three hundred thousand dollars. That's not rich, here. Just an average price of a home in San Diego Co.
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Old 09-19-2012, 01:44 PM   #17
Happy Monkey
I think this line's mostly filler.
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“Every year, I’ve paid at least 13 percent, and if you add, in addition, the amount that goes to charity, why the number gets well above 20 percent,”
That is sort of annoying. Not only is tithing tax-deductible, but you can claim that it's charity.

So his tithing helps him manage to get his tax rate below even the capital gains rate, and he then equates them, and touts "the number".
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Old 09-19-2012, 01:46 PM   #18
infinite monkey
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When I was in San Diego I was browsing a real estate magazine, for funsies.

I found a "lovely little starter home" for 660,000 dollars. So the $300,00 houses are either doghouses, or made up. I don't think there are ghettos in SD but I could be wrong.
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Old 09-19-2012, 01:52 PM   #19
polaroid of perfection
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Originally Posted by Adak View Post
The Muslims have a religion AND a strong ideology.The ideology is reinforced in their school text books, and etc., almost without let up. In their value system, the Jew ranks in the lowest parts, along with the pig (which they will not eat and generally despise).
Whose school books?
Not the Muslims I teach in my school. Probably not Rhianne's family. Not my friends in Leicester. No, not all Muslims are peaceable, decent people. But neither are all Americans. And they can be as far apart in action and ideology.
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Old 09-19-2012, 04:23 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Sundae View Post
Whose school books?
Not the Muslims I teach in my school. Probably not Rhianne's family. Not my friends in Leicester. No, not all Muslims are peaceable, decent people. But neither are all Americans. And they can be as far apart in action and ideology.
These were school books for elementary kids, in Saudi Arabia. Laid out the value's of: pigs, other animals, Christians, non-believers, Jews, former Muslim's who had left Islam, and of course, Muslims.

It isn't the religion of Islam that is the problem. It is the ideology and common practices and idea's that have fastened onto Islam, like a barnacle to a ship. Some of those practices are good, some are indifferent, but some are just a parasite, and totally damaging to the religion of Islam.

Look back, into the actual history of Islam's leaders, and see just How many of those leaders were killed by their own followers? Even by their own followers within their branch or sect. It's a very high percentage, compared to other major world religions.

Even today, the Shia and the Suni, and the Sufi's, are regularly killed in sectarian attacks, from other Muslims.

When the Christians, with the blessings of the Pope and the King of France, were slaughtering the French Rosicrucians, it was dogma that by killing off the wayward sect, they were acting to "save" all their potential progeny from hell. Nipping it in the bud, as it were.

That would never be accepted in Christianity today, likewise "honor killings" for Muslims who leave the faith.

But that seems to be where Islam is left today. I know many Muslims are not violent, and not Jew-haters, but that is not enough. Overall, the Muslims have done next to nothing to protest the violent excesses and racial hatred incidents, within their faith.

Was it Edmund Burke who said: "For evil to prevail, all that's needed is for good men to do nothing."?

After the 9/11/2001, which was CLEARLY the largest and most publicized attack by violent and radicalized Muslims, did you see any large protests of that, from Muslims? Any Jihad groups trying to arrest or capture Osama Bin Laden, or other 9/11 leaders?



That's all you heard from most of the Muslim followers - after the cheering and dancing in the streets scenes were done, of course.

I believe Mohammad got Islam off to a great start, but in the ensuing violence over who should be the leader after he was gone - and all the subsequent battles, the religion of Islam, didn't move forward, as it should have.

Unfortunately, as any group becomes more radical and/or violent, they attract more members who want to be more radical and/or violent. If they're not careful, the group will be taken over by them.
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Old 09-19-2012, 04:36 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by infinite monkey View Post
When I was in San Diego I was browsing a real estate magazine, for funsies.

I found a "lovely little starter home" for 660,000 dollars. So the $300,00 houses are either doghouses, or made up. I don't think there are ghettos in SD but I could be wrong.
Housing prices here have dropped dramatically since 2009. The average has climbed up a bit from about $320k, at it's lowest. There are area's of SD that you would not want to live in. One of the most notorious gangs in North America was HQ'd in SD, but finally killed a Catholic Cardinal while doing an assassination for the cartel. You guessed it, they killed the wrong guy, although he was wearing a Cardinal's traveling outfit, at the time.

There are still gang area's in SD. Lots of immigrants - we're a "sanctuary city". We're also broke because the politicians caved in to so many demands from the unions. (The unions fund the politicians that sell us out, you see).

They don't call us "Enron by the Sea", for nothing. Probably should be "Detroit by the Sea", however.
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Old 09-19-2012, 04:45 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Happy Monkey View Post
That is sort of annoying. Not only is tithing tax-deductible, but you can claim that it's charity.

So his tithing helps him manage to get his tax rate below even the capital gains rate, and he then equates them, and touts "the number".
Yes, the politicians have played the "we will favor THIS kind of person, this week, and favor THAT kind of person, next week". "Wouldn't you like to donate to my reelection campaign?"

Romney's tithing is no different from tithing done by religions around the world: the old Biblical 10%. Taxes calculations are not any different for Romney, than for anyone else. It's our politicians who keep messing with the tax code, who have caused one hell of a problem, and made lots of winners and losers, while doing it.

Both parties have done it, and done it a LOT.

We are still giving subsidies for farmers growing wool, because we thought it might be needed for wool socks and uniforms, back in World War I! And they wonder WHY I don't want the gov't managing more of my money and governing more of my life.
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Old 09-19-2012, 04:55 PM   #23
Happy Monkey
I think this line's mostly filler.
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I don't know that "both sides do it" applies to "if you include my tithing, my tax rate is higher"! That's more of a Romney thing.
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Old 09-19-2012, 05:34 PM   #24
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Romney's tithing goes to his church. His church financially supports bills that black equal marriage laws. That makes both of them scum as far as I'm concerned.

When he starts feeding the homeless and poor, regardless of faith, etc. let me know.

And IMO, anyone who would vote for a man who hides his income in other countries, runs on his record as governor but has all his records sealed, brags about what a great job he did saving the Olympics but has all of those records destroyed, that voter REALLY needs to ask themselves, "Why?".
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Old 09-19-2012, 10:19 PM   #25
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Obama's cousin is not some poor guy living in the ghetto, he's apparently a poor, alcoholic, con man living in the ghetto. How exactly would Obama help this guy, if he were so inclined?
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Old 09-19-2012, 10:56 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by footfootfoot View Post
Obama's cousin is not some poor guy living in the ghetto, he's apparently a poor, alcoholic, con man living in the ghetto. How exactly would Obama help this guy, if he were so inclined?
...maybe... a government program that helps you, with government aid to pay for food-related costs, not from family members or wealthy friends or based on your connections... but instead based on whether or not you meet a very specific set of criteria (requiring you to be doing "your best", regulatorily speaking, to TRY to provide) but if you still fail to make ends meet... to provide a pittance as wiggle-room to help you meet the medical minimum of caloric intake.
No wait... that's the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program. That's "food stamps". That's the evil evil Welfare. nevermind, that's damn dirty socialism. his cousin, if he lives as a criminal wouldn't qualify. damn.
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Old 09-20-2012, 12:05 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by Sheldonrs View Post
Romney's tithing goes to his church. His church financially supports bills that black equal marriage laws. That makes both of them scum as far as I'm concerned.

When he starts feeding the homeless and poor, regardless of faith, etc. let me know.

And IMO, anyone who would vote for a man who hides his income in other countries, runs on his record as governor but has all his records sealed, brags about what a great job he did saving the Olympics but has all of those records destroyed, that voter REALLY needs to ask themselves, "Why?".
Romney's tithing goes to his church, just like any church members tithing goes to their church. No difference in the Mormons, compared to say, any other church, Protestant or Catholic, if they are tithing members (committed).

Romney has also contributed hugely to other charities, besides his church. His tithing has been just a start of his charitable giving.

What do you mean by "black equal marriage laws"?

If you mean "block", marriages being equal - in most religions, all marriages are equal.

If you mean gay marriage, that is because gays can't traditionally, make a marriage. Gays can make civil unions which can have the same rights as a marriage, by law, but they can't procreate (as a married couple might), and the ability to procreate has always been somewhat protected by the Bible, and by the Book of Mormon.

It's the lesson of Sparta. Sparta was a powerhouse for years in Greece, but their style of warfare did not evolve, while others did (notably Athens and Thebes). Sparta began losing more warriors, and because their birth rate was so low, they were subjugated before they could adjust to the new and more efficient style of warfare.

To provide a wide variety of specialists and soldiers/sailors, you need a lot of citizens - and that was a major concern to the writers of the Bible. They gave a strong preference to the marriage, because it was viewed as essential for the continuation of the nation.

Yes, the Thebans had the famous "Band of Brothers" who were most feared in their day, and consisted of all gay partners. But they also died out as a unit, because they had insufficient children to take the place of those who had fallen.

Mormons ALWAYS feed the hungry, etc. They're way more active than your average church. Not as active as the Mennonites, and a rare few active Evangelical christian churches, but definitely ahead of the normal church. They are fine people. Their kids are spoiled many times, until they reach their older teens. Then the light comes on for them.

Romney doesn't HIDE his income. Rubbish! If you want to invest in ANYTHING overseas, or many brokerages that are based overseas, then you will want to keep funds available, overseas, AND in the currency that they require.

Nobody but an idiot would repeatedly pay the transfer fee for changing money from say, dollars, to euro's, over and over, for every transaction.

The tax laws also practically require it - and BOTH parties wrote those tax bills, and Romney had nothing to do with any of them.

Romney's finances are cleaner than a baby's bottom after a bath, and everyone knows it - he's released his entire tax returns. In addition, like several of our most honest politicians, he has his funds put into a "blind" trust, and managed independently, by a financial firm.

He can't "lobby" for any law that might help him out, because he doesn't manage his funds, and only finds out what's going on, after the report period has ended.

I want to see you match that level of honesty, in your life - I don't give a damn, WHO you are.

His "records" as governor, are public documents - laws and such. Anything private, is not public, and they are not "records", for public scrutiny.

BTW, Obama has hidden more of his personal life before entering the Senate, than any other president, in history.

We do know that the person who helped Obama buy his Chicago home, and the lot next door to it so it could be "larger", was the same person responsible for killing a few people, as a member of the Weather Underground.

In the Olympics, there was federal money, state and city monies, and international funds, as well. All of it had to be accounted for, of course. This is business, not the military.

The Salt Lake City Winter Olympics that Romney rescued, was, and is still, the only Winter Olympics that has showed a profit.

To get a full picture of the books for this Olympics, you'd have to have the books opened from City, State, several National sporting organizations, and of course, the IOCC, itself.

Since a few IOCC directors have been convicted of blackmail, graft, and such, since then, I can assure THAT access, they will not allow.

Has nothing to do with Romney. Romney saved the Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, when they were already over-budget for their progress so far, and behind on their completion rate.

You ask ANYONE connected in any way with that Olympics, who saved those games? Who made them the most successful Winter Olympic games, ever?

Mitt Romney. Not bragging, just fact.

When Obama called Bush "unpatriotic" for running the national debt up to 9 Trillion Dollars, leaving every person in America with a huge debt (about 32,000 dollars), Obama was quite right.

Now that Obama has run up the national debt to over 16 Trillion dollars, it's supposed to be OK.

Oh Sure!

That's economic nonsense. The interest rates WILL be rising, and when it does, the amount of debt we will have to pay every year, on our debt, will cost more than the wars in Afghanistan AND Iraq, combined.

The above is not from my analysis, but from a professor of economics at Duquesne University. (also spelled Ducane Uni).

If you'd like to hear his full interview about it, let me know, it's on the net.
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Old 09-20-2012, 12:21 AM   #28
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In November, we have a clear choice:

* Re-elect Obama - a guy who is strongly for socialism and doing things "fairly". Who's also never run a lemonade stand.

* and his V.P., an idiot named Joe Biden. Who, as a President, would scare the shit out of anyone.


* Elect Romney - who has been saving businesses, most of his life, and is a strong believer in the capitalism our country was founded on.

* and his V.P. candidate, a former head of the finance and budget committee in the Senate.

Which of those two choices would you prefer?

How does this "fair" idea work?

Here's an easy to understand idea, for students:

You work very hard, get a 3.8 point grade average. Your next door neighbor (also a student), hardly does much more than party, and gets a 1.8 grade point average.

You both graduate, but you aren't in the honor roll anymore. You wonder why the hell not, and then you see your GPA -- it's been lowered to a 2.8 GPA.

But that was only fair, because we needed to bring up your neighbor by a full 1.0, so he could have a 2.8 GPA, as well.

And that's socialism, in a nutshell. Isn't that fun?

Even China had the good sense to finally ditch most of it.
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Old 09-20-2012, 01:42 AM   #29
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No. I officially bow out of this thread. Too much for me to address.
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Old 09-20-2012, 02:40 AM   #30
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yes, yes; the poor people "party" and toke it up and get a 1.8.

Yes, the poor deserve to be poor. The rich, well, they've been ordained by God to be rich and thus deserve it by "working hard" (by which you mean running rum during prohibition, playing dirty politics and all those other nasty things our american dynasties did to get to where they are)

So. Somebody needs to watch HBO's documentary HARD TIMES: Lost on Long Island.

Plus, you're an idiot if you think Romney knows how to run a business. He knows how to MAKE MONEY FOR HIMSELF; those are two different things.
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