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Old 10-12-2012, 01:18 AM   #241
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good night Adak, good night all.

let's do this again sometime!
Be Just and Fear Not.
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Old 10-12-2012, 09:29 AM   #242
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Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce View Post
No, it's not Obama's personal view it's the law, written and passed by congress. Sure he pushed it, but if he'd written it according to his personal view you'd be apoplectic.

Forcing them to pay for contraception like a responsible employer isn't forcing anyone to use them. I guess the Catholic church wants to try to at least keep the poor that can't afford them under control. The numbers seem to show that a great many Catholic women that can afford the pill choose to do so.

Can you site a source on this, "for performing abortions, in their hospitals"?
No, I don't have a copy of the 2,000 + page bill. As the suit moves forward, we can get more info from the filed court papers. From what I hear, they are objecting to two things:

1) That they have to pay for what they believe is a sin.


2) That their hospitals would have to provide abortion procedures. The doctor and nurses could be non-Catholic, but enabling that procedure is sinful to them, based on their religious beliefs.

The health care bill insists on this because, in some areas, religious hospitals are the only local hospitals.

This is just what I'm hearing on Conservative radio. The talk show host was an attorney and a legal adviser to Ronald Reagan's administration, and Chief of Staff for the Attorney General, Edwin Meese. (Mark Levin)

According to Mark, the Catholic Church is bringing all legal guns to bear on this fight.
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Old 10-12-2012, 09:32 AM   #243
infinite monkey
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Yet they have no problem paying for Viagra.

I will never wrap my head around this logic.
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Old 10-12-2012, 09:43 AM   #244
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Originally Posted by BigV View Post
For example, what deductions will Romney eliminate to pay for his $5 trillion dollar tax cut?


Like that. What's the damn point. Just let's talk about the actual facts. You can cheerlead for "conservative" and boo "liberal", I'm just going to ignore it. Just like I said up there.. That IS doing better.
I haven't spent a lot of time with the details, because unless Romney/Ryan are actually elected, there is no hope for a cut in spending by the Fed's, and a tax cut for anybody.

Ryan's plan has been out for at least a year now. My understanding is that Romney's plan will be based on Ryan's plan, with a bit of tweaking from both Ryan and Romney, putting their heads together.

Romney's projected savings are just that - a projection, and I wouldn't be surprised if that projection was - like all economic projections - not perfect. The bottom line is, Romney's plan will cut spending in the federal gov't, cut taxes somewhat, and close some tax loopholes. His goal is to make it "neutral", so the income lost in one cut, will be matched by growth in the economy, and by closing a loophole.

I do not expect it will be exactly neutral, of course. He's smart, but he's not a Prophet.

Those are three things that (taken together), you WON'T get from Obama. And those are three good things for our economy, and our country.
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Old 10-12-2012, 09:47 AM   #245
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Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce View Post
Can you site a source on this, "for performing abortions, in their hospitals"?
Originally Posted by Adak View Post
My understanding is that the Catholic owned hospitals consider prescribing and/or paying for so called "abortion pills" to be the same as providing an abortion. I don't equate providing a medication to be the same as "performing abortions, in their hospitals."
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Old 10-12-2012, 09:47 AM   #246
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Originally Posted by infinite monkey View Post
Yet they have no problem paying for Viagra.

I will never wrap my head around this logic.
What's not clear?

The Lord commanded Adam to be fruitful and multiply. Viagra helps make that possible.
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Old 10-12-2012, 09:48 AM   #247
infinite monkey
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Is anyone still listening to this shill?

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Old 10-12-2012, 09:51 AM   #248
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Originally Posted by glatt View Post
My understanding is that the Catholic owned hospitals consider prescribing and/or paying for so called "abortion pills" to be the same as providing an abortion. I don't equate providing a medication to be the same as "performing abortions, in their hospitals."
Correct. Enabling a sin, makes you a part of it's commission, to the Church, and the same logic is used in law. Enabling a crime, makes you a part of it's commission, usually as an accessory.

Oh, I SO believe the Church lawyers will RIP the feds lawyers to shreds on this case.
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Old 10-12-2012, 09:57 AM   #249
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Originally Posted by infinite monkey View Post

Is anyone still listening to this shill?

You asked the question, and I answered it quite civilly.

I didn't even call you


in big bright red letters.
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Old 10-12-2012, 10:06 AM   #250
infinite monkey
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Don't worry. I'll pray for you.

The bible sayeth: let no man, no matter how old and decrepit, be denied the gift of a boner. Go forth, 85 year old man, and get some 30 year old pregnant. Then Adak thumped it.

Remember men, YOU are in charge of YOUR bodies. The government has no right to tell you you can't swing your stupid dick all over the place.
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Old 10-12-2012, 10:07 AM   #251
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Originally Posted by Adak View Post
Correct. Enabling a sin, makes you a part of it's commission, to the Church, and the same logic is used in law. Enabling a crime, makes you a part of it's commission, usually as an accessory.

Oh, I SO believe the Church lawyers will RIP the feds lawyers to shreds on this case.
So you would support prosecuting gun dealers who sell guns to people who later use them to commit a crime?
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Old 10-12-2012, 10:18 AM   #252
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Originally Posted by BigV View Post
So, you're saying that money that moves fast helps restore a vibrant economy. You're saying it's less about the amount of money than it is about the speed with which it's moving around, am I right?
There must be money (value), in the economy, but it can't be just sitting in a bank, or stuck in a mattress somewhere.

Yes, Money has to MOVE, or the economy will stagnant.

Then, you denigrate the poor for having no money, "THEY'RE POOR!". Classy.
No denigration on the poor. Statement of fact in looking at the economy. By definition, the poor have very little money.

Let me ask you this. How can you say it's rich people who have a lot of money in the bank and who will have more money in the bank after this massive tax cut Romney's proposing is enacted are contributing to the economy? How are these people "job creators"? Because, poor people? No one spends money faster than poor people. They get it, and boom, it's gone. Sometimes it's gone so fucking fast it leaves before it gets there. Now THAT'S some high-velocity, vibrant-economy-building patriotic American economic action, right there.
You're right that many poor people spend money quickly, but it's a matter of quantity. The rich will move thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars in a day. The poor won't SEE ONE thousand dollars, in two months.

Those slacker bastards with their static bank balances, not moving, just sitting there getting piled higher and deeper... what are they doing for the economy? More specifically, what are their increased savings doing for the economy?
If the money was just sitting in a bank vault someplace, it would do us no good, but that's not what banks do - they invest a portion of every dollar they get:

*home loans, *commercial loans, *stocks, *commercial bonds, *municipal bonds, *real estate, *oil and gas drilling, and many more financial instruments.

So the money is moving, but as taxes increase (personal and business), that money begins to slow down, and dry up. People with money become more concerned with avoiding taxes, than with investing in the economy.

The rich aren't different from you or I in this regard.
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Old 10-12-2012, 10:30 AM   #253
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Originally Posted by glatt View Post
So you would support prosecuting gun dealers who sell guns to people who later use them to commit a crime?
Only if a gun dealer knew the gun he sold, was illegal, or was told the gun was intended for the commission of a crime.

Say he sold the gun to a known felon, and didn't put in the paperwork and get the approval needed. That would be a crime.

Or say the buyer came in after the waiting period was over and all the paperwork was done, and told the seller that the gun would be "great", since he "wanted to kill his ex spouse with it".

There, it's a bit more gray, but if the gun hasn't changed hands yet, I'd say he better refund the buyer his money, keep the gun, and notify the police. Certainly, he should NOT sell him anything else, like bullets! There's no better way to protect yourself from future charges in the matter.
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Old 10-12-2012, 10:36 AM   #254
infinite monkey
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There's no better way to protect yourself from future children than birth control.

Except abstinence. Penises (penii?) don't get women pregnant people get women pregnant.
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Old 10-12-2012, 11:20 AM   #255
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Originally Posted by Adak View Post
The Pope never ordered Church doctrine be imposed in law on ANY Americans.
When confronted by honesty, you would lie? That's a mortal sin! The Pope ordered Catholic doctrine to be instilled in American laws. Santorum agreed. So we also got rid of him.

How many wackos said Kennedy's separation of the Catholic Church from American government was wrong? It made him almost vomit? Extremist even advocate religious doctrine be imposed in laws. You cannot change reality by denying it.

Meanwhile the Pope has ordered lawmakers to impose Catholic doctine - their religion - on all Americans. Next is to order American laws changed to protect pedophile priests. After all, that is also defacto Catholic doctrine. When you deny it, might you cite at least one source other than Fox News or an extremist talk show host?

Last edited by tw; 10-12-2012 at 11:27 AM.
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