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Old 04-20-2015, 02:02 AM   #511
polaroid of perfection
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Last week I was full of beans and decided to walk to the next town along; Guiseley.
I had nothing to do when I got there, being literally penniless, and it was a walk along a main road rather than through delicious countryside. But I was in need of exercise and the sky looked dicey re rain, so I didn't want to commit to being somewhere which might become exceedingly muddy.

If I get the slow bus home I go through Guiseley. It's a nice enough little place.
In Bucks terms I'd call it a village for size, but it has the local Job Centre, which you only usually find in large towns and a retail park with a Boots bigger than we have in Otley. Also a few of the large takeaway chains and a supermarket which rivals the one in Otley for size. Go figure.

It's a three mile walk, but I padded it out on the way back by taking the same route as the bus - it's a detour via Menston, which I'm sure has a centre somewhere, but the bus only really clips the edge. Gorgeous big houses, the bus goes past too fast to really have a good nose through the windows... Menston and Guiseley both retained their stations, so the good denizens can get into Leeds far more quickly than I can. Explains why the X84 is always empty when I get on in Otley.

Guiseley has it's own theatre. Get them!
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Old 04-20-2015, 02:09 AM   #512
polaroid of perfection
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A flavour of what's on offer. Can't say I'm really tempted.
Except by the line dancing. I love a bit of line dancing, even though I am not very good at it. Don't knock it til you've tried it.

I emailed the lady who runs it to ask about the cost of each session, because there's a good chance it's out of my league moneywise. But it would be so good for me - exercise, social activity, filling time, employing discipline to be there regularly and on time. She hasn't replied. I was going to phone her today if I hadn't heard, but I had a bit of a crushing blow yesterday and my finances are once again shot to shit. So I may as well kiss it off for the next two weeks. It's there in my head though.
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Old 04-20-2015, 02:24 AM   #513
polaroid of perfection
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I can't whine about money though. I have a few things comig up which are already paid for and are very exciting. I will take photos and report back once they've happened rather than blether on about them in advance.

A huge fish and chip emporium. What is it with Yorkshire and whales?
I get it for places actually on the coast (Whitby has ties to the whaling trade) But we are very much inland here. And no, Blubberhouses - near here - is not connected to whales at all, it's a corruption of a much older name.

Anyway, even if I'd had the wherewithal I didn't think I could do a Carruthers and get a bargain, so I walked on by.

Walking back I passed a baby woodland full of rabbits.
I saw one in the same place when the bus stopped there the other week and was delighted - they are not rare or unusual in the wild, but you have to be in the right place at the right time to see them. This time, walking, I realised how likely it was that I saw it. I must have seen twenty walking past. Big bucks and bonny does and babies. Good eating!

Hard to get a usable pic because of course their whole MO is based on running away and hiding just in case. This is the best I could do.
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Old 04-20-2015, 02:30 AM   #514
polaroid of perfection
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The outside gym in the park.
I've been giving it a go.

I think I managed to fell this tree by stamping on the cross trainer with all my weight.
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Old 04-20-2015, 02:38 AM   #515
polaroid of perfection
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The Bank Holiday weekend is also Dad's 75th birthday, so I'm back to Aylesbury for three days. By train, whoop whoop! I paid for the trip down and Mum paid for my return trip; I'm coming home First Class! Bless her.

This means I don't arrive in the middle of the night having travelled a ridiculously circuitous route. Instead I'll be in Oxford by 14.02. Mum might get Dad to come on the bus to meet me, but I think it's more likely I'll get the bus back alone. At least there is a bus stop at the station, and it's only an hour from there.

Anyway, I will miss the Tour de Yorkshire and the Street Festival
Still, I know where I'd rather be.
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Old 04-20-2015, 07:58 AM   #516
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That's a healthy walk, and I like those outdoor gyms. They are a great idea. They are kind of fun.
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Old 04-22-2015, 03:25 AM   #517
polaroid of perfection
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I did go line dancing in Guiseley yesterday. Arrived nearly ten minutes late (a horror for someone as rabidly punctual as me) because the bus got stuck behind an unloading lorry which took up half the narrow road in Menston. Eventually he squeezed through. I'll walk next week.

I was terrible of course, but everyone was very sweet and said I did amazingly for my first time. They don't realise it will be months, if ever, before I show any improvement! Going back next week, it's good fun exercise.

Then off to Leeds in the sunshine. Got my haircut, but it wasn't my usual hairdresser, and on inspection she hasn't cut it short enough. Grrrrrrr. I deliberately went ten days before going down to my parents, to give it time to look less severe. It will be all unkempt again by the time I get down there.

Off to the market (of course).
Looking not buying. Although if the kitten cage hadn't been looked up I may have tried to smuggle one out. They were so adorable. Wouldn't stay still for a photo op though.
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Old 04-22-2015, 03:28 AM   #518
polaroid of perfection
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Noticed this in the bus station toilets.
Can you see what's amiss here? The corner of a white machine you can see is the very obviously free hand dryer.
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Old 04-22-2015, 03:33 AM   #519
polaroid of perfection
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Having fallen for the kittens in the market, I decided to check out another pet shop, to see if there were any other animals I could moon at. There's quite a large place called Bird and Beast so I trolled along there.

Ah, no. Turns out it was a bar and restaurant!
Needless to say, dead chickens were't on my window shopping agenda.
On the way back on the bus I saw a cat trotting across a field full of sheep and rapidly growing lambs. The two species completely ignored eachother.

Then again I also saw Daryl Dixon sprinting down the road (albeit dressed in running clothes; the Leeds 10k is coming up so I see a lot of them). I think I spent too long in the sun!
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Old 04-22-2015, 06:31 AM   #520
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I love that theatre.
If you would only recognize that life is hard, things would be so much easier for you.
- Louis D. Brandeis
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Old 04-22-2015, 03:00 PM   #521
polaroid of perfection
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We have had such a marvellous run of weather.
It was hotter than Aylesbury today apparently - which is very unusual. Not that Aylesbury is Heat Central or anything, but I often get reports from family and friends on the weather which make me green with envy. Or maybe that's the mould from all the rain.

Went on a riverside walk.
Via a garden centre I didn't know was there. Fell in love with how they presented their air-plants. If'n I'd had the readies I'd have bought one. And then killed it of course. Better to enjoy them via photo. That way their eternal Summer will not fade.
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Old 04-22-2015, 03:06 PM   #522
polaroid of perfection
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Try to ignore the soulless eyes of the creepy dog totems in the background of the above photos.
I did.

I'm warming to real dogs now I see them so often in the park. They have such uplifting joie de vivre when they run.

I wish they wouldn't pee up against the outside gym equipment though. Although they do less damage than the under fives whose doting parents completely miss the signs about the equipment being for adult use only. The exercise bike is buggered, and I'm 75% sure it's from indulgent adults letting kiddies ride on the pedals as they turn them. Because I've seen it.

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Old 04-22-2015, 03:09 PM   #523
polaroid of perfection
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I couldn't follow the directions for my walk very well. It's hard to determine which field you are supposed to cut across, which to take a sharp left in, which stile to cross.

I think this is Knotts Nook though. Scummier than I fancied it.

And the full glory of the River Wharfe from the bridge on my way home.
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Old 04-22-2015, 03:14 PM   #524
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I did not know what an "air plant" was, so I googled images.
This one tickled me... but not literally !
,Maybe NSFW

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Old 04-26-2015, 11:47 AM   #525
polaroid of perfection
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Actually I think that's cute Lamp.
Although the first thing that came to mind was "Green vines in my Virginnie"

Spend much of today in the War Memorial garden. I'd already done my exercise - would have done more but I've knacked my ankle and am trying to follow medical advice. Until it bores me senseless. I'm resting more than I would usually anyway.

So, sat in sunshine reading, being virtuous.
Photoging you some blue sky and flowers. The weather is due to turn tomorrow. We've had unseasonable sunshine, but the temps are due to drop to below seasonable levels; I may as well take pics while I can.
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Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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