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Old 06-10-2009, 10:55 PM   #1
Radical Centrist
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Lebanon voted against their fascists; Britain elected a few

Well if that isn't a provocative title I don't know what is, and finally the Brits get to enjoy ? the Politics section again.

In Lebanon, Hezbollah lost. The democratic "March 14" bloc won 71 seats, the Hezbollah's "March 8th" bloc, 57 seats. In particular Hezbollah was crushed in Beirut. This is a great result, fuck terrorists, and well done to the sensible Lebanese people.

In Britain, the Brit nationalist/white power/fascist British National Party won seats in the European parliament. Our British mates will have to explain the importance of this parliament and what it means that the BNP have won seats to it.
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Old 06-11-2009, 01:21 AM   #2
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The Lebanese have always tried to be civilized. Sometimes they get overwhelmed by their larger more belligerent neighbors.
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Old 06-11-2009, 04:07 AM   #3
We have to go back, Kate!
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Fucking BNP.

They allow no non-white members. They believe in the 'voluntary repatriation' of 'non-indigenous' British people. Which is a softened down version of what the NF (from whom they sprang) stood for, which was the involuntary repatriation of all non-whites.

Would like to point out though, that this was a PR election (proportional representation). They actually polled fewer votes in this election than they did in the last European elections in 2004. Approximately 6000 fewer votes this time; but because turnout was very low that meant they were a higher proportion of the vote.
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Old 06-11-2009, 08:06 AM   #4
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In Lebanon Hezbolla is still a larger armed force than their own military. They can't be controlled by the Lebanonese Army, and so far, not by any other external force. The Israelies basically fought them to a stalemate and blew the hell out of the civilian structures. I am not sure that even a majority of democratic or pro-Western politicos is going to have much of an effect on how business is done. They can't afford to piss off the guys with guns. Time will tell. I am pessimistic.
Anyone but the this most fuked up President in History in 2012!
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Old 06-11-2009, 08:36 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by TheMercenary View Post
Time will tell. I am pessimistic.
NOOO!! !! !! YOU??? I am shocked
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Old 06-11-2009, 10:56 AM   #6
polaroid of perfection
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I said to Mum, "Typical that as the US leans slightly to the Left, the rest of the world heads to the Right." But then your Left is further Right than our Right on many issues!

The BNP will do fuck all in Brussels.
There's only 2 of them, and I doubt they'll be interested in talking to any johnny foreigners. They'll probably do what UKIP do, take the money and claim their lack of any work at all is a moral stance for wanting Britain out of Europe.
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Old 06-16-2009, 01:10 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by DanaC View Post
Fucking BNP.

They allow no non-white members. They believe in the 'voluntary repatriation' of 'non-indigenous' British people. Which is a softened down version of what the NF (from whom they sprang) stood for, which was the involuntary repatriation of all non-whites.

Would like to point out though, that this was a PR election (proportional representation). They actually polled fewer votes in this election than they did in the last European elections in 2004. Approximately 6000 fewer votes this time; but because turnout was very low that meant they were a higher proportion of the vote.
You're kidding. There is actually a racist party there where people get elected? WTF?
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Old 06-16-2009, 01:19 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Sundae Girl View Post
I said to Mum, "Typical that as the US leans slightly to the Left, the rest of the world heads to the Right." But then your Left is further Right than our Right on many issues!

The BNP will do fuck all in Brussels.
There's only 2 of them, and I doubt they'll be interested in talking to any johnny foreigners. They'll probably do what UKIP do, take the money and claim their lack of any work at all is a moral stance for wanting Britain out of Europe.
The liberals in power here are mostly pussies. Like, we just won an election by a freaking landslide, and Obama is STILL having trouble getting his agenda passed, because he's trying too hard to please the people who LOST. Pussy.

And you're right. Many of our "lefties" aren't left at all. They are center. It's lonely being a liberal in this country. *sniff* And the radicals have taken over the republican party. Pity. So the ones who are the least in number still have the most power. It sux.
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Old 06-16-2009, 01:51 PM   #9
We have to go back, Kate!
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Originally Posted by sugarpop View Post
You're kidding. There is actually a racist party there where people get elected? WTF?
Yes. Their rules state that only indigenous white britons can join. They believe in 'voluntary' repatriation of non-indigenous people and I believe they want 'peace walls' (like in Northern Ireland duringthe troubles) to separate those who don't want to go 'back' from us whiteys.

They are generally very careful about how racist their material is. There are laws about inciting racial hatred. Occasionally they breach them and one of them is prosecuted. They also have a 'youth' movement., Yep, with camps and education programmes and all.

Theyre actually a softened down version of the old National Front party. And one of the new MEPs was prosecuted for holocaust denial (as indeed was their leader, Griffin) and racist violence.
There's only so much punishment a man can take in pursuit of punani. - Sundae
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Old 06-16-2009, 02:10 PM   #10
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I wish we had a law like that. We have had 3 hate killings over the past few weeks. One was an abortion doctor, one was a military recruiter, and one was a guard at the Holocaust Museum. IMO the perpetrators are domestic terrorists and should be treated as such.

It's funny too, because a couple of months ago Janet Napolitano issued a DHS report that rightwing extremism and hate crimes were likely to rise after the historic election of our first black president. She was reamed for that, and what has happened? We have had one of only three doctors who perform late-term abortions murdered, gunned down while at church. Now that clinic has closed. If that isn't domestic terrorism, I don't what is. We also had that racist open fire at the Holocaust Museum. Another example of right wing extremism gone wild. Yet no one who reamed Napolitano has come forward and apologized for their misjudgement of her apparent prescience.

There are many people who contributed to the death of that doctor, and Bill O'Reilly is certainly one of them. I wish they would throw his ass in jail for inciting a murder.
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Old 06-16-2009, 02:51 PM   #11
polaroid of perfection
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Sugar - I dislike the term terrorist myself - there are murderers, people who fund murderers, people who support murderers, people who shake hands with murderers (I mean you, Bill Clinton) oh and more murderers. Some of them look like us, sound like us, were born in the same country as us, have the same religions as us. When they start the killing, they are not us.

We've recently had a resurgence of murders in Northern Ireland.
Luckily, 9/11 soured most Americans on sectarian killings, so they have no support over there either. And the Church seems to have backed off too. No matter how righteous the cause, sane and decent people realise it's all killing in the end.

May it happen for you.
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Old 06-16-2009, 03:17 PM   #12
barely disguised asshole, keeper of all that is holy.
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Well put SG. Virtually NO ONE agrees with the murder of Dr. Tiller, but if one recognizes that some people viewed Dr. Tiller as a murderer of innocent unborn children.

I have many thoughts about your post sugar, but I'll just say I noticed you didn't mention anything about the recruiter that was killed though. Was that because it wasn't a right wing extremist who killed him?

And Bill O'Reilly is guilty of inciting a murder? GTFOH.
"like strapping a pillow on a bull in a china shop" Bullitt

Last edited by classicman; 06-16-2009 at 03:30 PM. Reason: premature editation :p
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Old 06-16-2009, 03:22 PM   #13
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Classic, if you are talking about sugarpop, read the post again. I was actually impressed that she included the recruiter.
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Old 06-16-2009, 03:44 PM   #14
barely disguised asshole, keeper of all that is holy.
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Yes she mentioned him. My point was that she elaborated on the other two and ignored the recruiter. Most likely because it would cause her to admit their are extremists in both parties.
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Old 06-16-2009, 04:13 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by classicman View Post
Well put SG. Virtually NO ONE agrees with the murder of Dr. Tiller, but if one recognizes that some people viewed Dr. Tiller as a murderer of innocent unborn children.

I have many thoughts about your post sugar, but I'll just say I noticed you didn't mention anything about the recruiter that was killed though. Was that because it wasn't a right wing extremist who killed him?

And Bill O'Reilly is guilty of inciting a murder? GTFOH.
I did mention the recruiter, but I didn't mention him after talking about the HSD brief that was leaked because I don't think he was a right wing extremist, and the brief was about hate crimes going up because of rightwing radicalism. He did commit a hate crime though. I suppose by definition he was also a terrorist. Killing an innocent person for political reasons. Killing a recruiter definitely is political in nature.

And a terrorist is someone who creates terror by committing crimes aimed at a specific purpose, usually political in nature. The radical arm of the pro-life movement certainly qualifies that definition. They have made abortion doctors extremely fearful. Many of them travel with security people and have bulletproof glass on their cars and in their clinics. Many doctors have quit performing abortions because of the violence. Pro-life radicals put doctors addresses on websites along with language aimed at inciting people to go kill them. Bill O'Reilly said over and over and over on his show Dr. Tiller was a "baby killer."

Regardless of what you think of abortion, it is LEGAL in this country. Dr. Tiller was one of only THREE doctors left in this country who would perform late term abortions, and he still performed them even though he had been shot in both arms in a previous attack by a rightwing, pro-life extremist. Now there are only two. So IF you are a woman, and you get pregnant, and you want the baby, but something happens late in the pregnancy and you need to terminate the pregnancy, good luck getting an abortion.

In fact, even regular abortion is sorely underserviced in this country. There are less than half the number of doctors there were back in the 70s. Some places you have to drive hundreds of miles to get an abortion. All of that is because of these radical assholes who feel they must force their views and beliefs on the rest of society. And they are succeeding. Because of terrorism.

The other guy who went to the Holocaust Museum was a fanatic, and also a terrorist. Go look at his writings. They are online somewhere. Any organized group that wants to do harm to a whole group of people because of political reasons is by definition a terrorist.
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