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Old 06-22-2012, 04:10 PM   #1
henry quirk
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"She", not "he", guys

If he has a penis, is genetically male, then -- despite *self-definition -- he is 'he'.




*that Ibram self-defines as 'girl' is fine by me; that he believes any one else is obligated to address him as a girl (for no other reason than because he wants it that way) is absurd.
like the other guy sez: 'not really back, blah-blah-blah...'
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Old 06-22-2012, 04:18 PM   #2
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My gender is not open for "philosophical" discussion, and i'm reporting this post.
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Old 06-22-2012, 04:19 PM   #3
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report: "harassment, rude, just not fucking acceptable. you wanna start a thread about how you hate tranny fucks thats fine; you don't get to start a thread attacking me PERSONALLY for it."
not really back, you didn't see me, i was never here shhhhhh
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Old 06-22-2012, 04:20 PM   #4
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define "...guys..."
Be Just and Fear Not.
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Old 06-22-2012, 04:57 PM   #5
infinite monkey
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Define 'cunt.'

If gender is so fluid, then what I may view as man or woman, my perception, is mine. Right? I may think henry a fine woman. He may think otherwise.

For someone who preaches understanding and acceptance of all things, ibs, you were awfully quick to call out jbk in that other thread.

And that's why you're mad. You got called out on your intolerance and you look hypocritical.
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Old 06-22-2012, 05:06 PM   #6
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nope. i don't accept intolerance. comparing bullshit to the holocaust is intolerance of the highest degree. you don't have to agree, but that's not be being quick to not-accept. some things are just fucking wrong.
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Old 06-22-2012, 05:35 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Ibram View Post
some things are just fucking wrong.
Are you saying that objective 'right' and 'wrong' exist? Or are you just expressing an opinion?

Not up for a fight tonight ... just throwing the philosophical question out there.
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Last edited by orthodoc; 06-22-2012 at 06:21 PM. Reason: typo
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Old 06-22-2012, 05:40 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by infinite monkey View Post

And that's why you're mad. You got called out on your intolerance and you look hypocritical.
... I don't see it that way. hq named Ibram specifcally. hq started the thread with Ibram specifically in mind. Then, Ibram complained about hq's remarks about Ibram specifically. That's not being a cunt. That's not being a hypocrite. That's objecting to being called something or another. hq can say and think what he likes, and Ibram can respond as he likes.

*that Ibram self-defines as 'girl' is fine by me; that he believes any one else is obligated to address him as a girl (for no other reason than because he wants it that way) is absurd.
What if I called you "stupid"? I could say the same thing as the above quote:

"*that infinite monkey self-defines as 'smart' is fine by me; that she believes anyone else is obligated to her as smart (for no other reason than because she wants it that way) is absurd."
You may well object, and strenuously, to being referred to like that, but that wouldn't make it hypocrisy, even if you'd had made a dumb mistakes in the past. It's just objecting to someone else's statements about you.

For the record, I don't remember anything from Ibram indicating he
preaches understanding and acceptance of all things
. Also for the record, I don't think you're stupid. Quite the opposite, I think you're whip-smart. But I still don't agree with your analysis of Ibram's reaction.
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Old 06-22-2012, 05:51 PM   #9
We have to go back, Kate!
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Originally Posted by henry quirk View Post
If he has a penis, is genetically male, then -- despite *self-definition -- he is 'he'.



According to the usual western gender constructions yes. But it isn't really that simple. Nor has it ever been. Lots of cultures recognise broader understandings of gender (as well as narrower in other cultures) than ours currently does. Some cultures accept a 'third gender'. Some grudgingly, some with hallowed respect. Some cultures with highly regulated gender roles will nontheless allow a widow or single woman to adopt a masculine identity in order to lead their household. Referred to as 'he' and 'him' from that point on.

The more we learn about gender the more it seems that neither biological gender, nor psycho-sexual gender( or indeed cultural understandings of gender) are anywhere near as black and white as we once understood them to be.

All that aside: why not accept someone else's self-definition? They're the only ones who know what life is like on the inside of their own heads.
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Old 06-22-2012, 06:00 PM   #10
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cause dana, basic human decency and courtesy is way too hard for fucked up people like him. duh.
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Old 06-22-2012, 06:07 PM   #11
infinite monkey
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For the record, bigv, I was referring to ibs calling henry a cunt, in that other thread.

But I get it. We must all be tolerant but ibs doesn't have to be tolerant. Because he's different and special? We're all different and special.

Id like a manual, because I'm unsure of the rules here: who gets to go off on whom, and about what? Is there a decider?
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Old 06-22-2012, 06:09 PM   #12
infinite monkey
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Basic human decency and courtesy = 'you sick twisted fuck'

To someone who has admitted to mental illness. Nice.
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Old 06-22-2012, 06:11 PM   #13
We have to go back, Kate!
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So, because he has admitted to mental illness he gets a free pass on whatever nasty, bigoted or misogynistic bullshit he decides to post?

And whilst we're all lecturing each other on who has to tolerate whom, how bout sparing a thought for the fact that Ibs has pretty good reason to expect bigotted bullshit from Klyde.

That's the problem with human interaction. We form views of each other and respond as much to that as to what the other person actually says. So, Klyde has done a bang up job of making sure that in the event of any doubt it's a pretty safe bet that his words probably are bigotted and anti-gay.

And yeah, maybe his mental state has something to do with that, or maybe he's just a racist, homophobic, anti-woman prick, who also happens to be mentally ill.

Who the fuck knows. I certainly don't.
There's only so much punishment a man can take in pursuit of punani. - Sundae

Last edited by DanaC; 06-22-2012 at 06:17 PM.
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Old 06-22-2012, 06:24 PM   #14
We have to go back, Kate!
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Ah. I just realised what you meant. Yeah. Unfortunate choice of words in the circumstances.
There's only so much punishment a man can take in pursuit of punani. - Sundae
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Old 06-22-2012, 09:02 PM   #15
Radical Centrist
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you wanna start a thread about how you hate tranny fucks thats fine; you don't get to start a thread attacking me PERSONALLY for it.
I personally am much more offended by the former. Anyone can hate anyone. Many do.

Ibs, your trannyism seems to have you on a red cunt hair trigger for many years. That is the most curious aspect of it so far. Probably something going on there. I would talk to someone about it.

The endless victimization is very unattractive, and generally poor behavior, no matter what you have been told. There is no karma police in real life. Because names, it turns out, will never hurt you -- unless you permit them.
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