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Old 12-28-2013, 12:42 AM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2009
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Is there a Hindu God of Rape or WTH is Going on Here?

First we heard about the "rape buses", which cruise through the streets of India, grab women and force them into the bus, then drive around and gang rape her.

Finally, one or two young women died from this.

But this last Christmas Day, was the worst I've ever heard of:

The woman is grabbed (kidnapped), off the street, and raped by one of the men.

She is let loose, and she and her friends begin to walk her home.

Then a larger gang than before, surrounds them, and singles her out to be raped YET AGAIN, by several members of the gang.

I don't know her name, but say a prayer for her.

WTF is going on with all these rapes in India? Perhaps they used to be kept out of the press, to avoid the further hurt to the victim and their family.

Damn shame they can't do better than this.
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Old 12-28-2013, 07:26 AM   #2
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We have this thing going on now here in the US, and the (f$#king) media calls it a "game"

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Old 12-28-2013, 08:25 AM   #3
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It's all fun and games till the try somebody that's packing... and that won't take long in the USA.
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Old 12-28-2013, 10:23 AM   #4
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Is there a Hindu God of Rape or WTH is Going on Here?

I think there was a case where a guy was packing and shot one of the guys who lived, nearly paralyzed.
Sort of bittersweet outcome.
The internet is a hateful stew of vomit you can never take completely seriously. - Her Fobs

Last edited by footfootfoot; 12-28-2013 at 10:32 AM.
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Old 12-28-2013, 12:50 PM   #5
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Adak, gang rape happens all over the world. It's a power issue, not a religious one.
I'm not going to link because it's too depressing, but off the top of my head check out recent cases in Rochdale and Bradford (England), Sydney (Australia) and the Super Free rapes in Japan.

Ditto many various cults, sports teams, bands either accused and/ or convicted through the years.

Of course it doesn't help the victims one iota to know they are not part of an exclusive club. I don't intend to belittle their experiences.
Just that, as a woman, maybe I tend to notice these cases more.
And have a longer memory about them.

And perhaps feel a little more concerned when a man (a Christian, on this board) writes
If a man is a man more than likely he could smash a woman face in with a single blow... personally "I WILL NOT" However if you don't respect fire it will burn you
right here.
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Old 12-28-2013, 01:08 PM   #6
To shreds, you say?
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You misspelled nutter
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Old 12-28-2013, 06:04 PM   #7
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Agree. I was going to rant but foot3 put it more succinctly.
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Old 12-29-2013, 04:55 AM   #8
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The situation in some (not all) parts of India is pretty bad. Basically a number of factors have worked together to make this so. There is, as in every country in the world it would seem, an endemic level of rape and sexual violence against women and children. This happens everywhere, including in our own countries.

The deeply patriarchal nature of Indian culture, alongside the sanctifying of mothers and motherhood, means that women who are not mothers have very low status, are judged primarily on their 'virtue' and carry, in their adherence to sexual abstinence until given to a husband, the honour of their families. Rape, in such a culture, does more damage to the victim's reputation than to the rapist's. It is often seen as against the interests of both the girl and the family, for any prosecution to be sought. It is also generally seen as a matter of her word against his. Generally speaking, the more a society attempts to protect and regulate female sexual behaviour, the more suspicious it is of women's ability to control their sexual behaviour. In our liberal society, legal action often runs aground on the rocks of a fundamental disbelief and mistrust of women and female sexuality - recently we had a judge, in a case against a 40+ year old known pedophile, rule that the 13 year old was 'predatory' and allow the defendant to walk away with a 2 year suspended sentence.

In a society in which female sexuality is much more regulated and regarded with much more suspicion, the onus of proof is on the victim, and the attitudes of those in the police and legal sphere is actively hostile. The view that women bring rape upon themselves by veering away from good behaviour - by walking around unprotected in public, by dressing in such a way that a man might feel invited, by entering traditionally masculine territories (evening entertainments such as bars and clubs) - is still present in our society. But it is much more prevalent in Indian culture.

This confluence of factors makes the Indian situation appear much, much worse than in the Uk or the US. But I'm really not so sure that it is. It is different, certainly. And perhaps the extremes are more extreme. Except...are they really? How many cases have we seen in recent years of men abducting young women and girls and keeping them as captive playthings for decades?

Rape and sexual violence of women and children is endemic in human society.
There's only so much punishment a man can take in pursuit of punani. - Sundae
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Old 12-29-2013, 05:58 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by footfootfoot View Post
I think there was a case where a guy was packing and shot one of the guys who lived, nearly paralyzed.
Sort of bittersweet outcome.
Double tap, fools. It would be best to try and avoid it, but if you must shoot, make sure that fucker doesn't get up.
The descent of man ~ Nixon, Friedman, Reagan, Trump.
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Old 12-29-2013, 12:07 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Adak View Post
WTF is going on with all these rapes in India? Perhaps they used to be kept out of the press, to avoid the further hurt to the victim and their family.
Watch Indian movies? One in particular rather explains these actions. And remember, many adult only act like children; only believe what they are first told.

In this scene, the man captures a woman and ties her up. She is obviously sad. Whenever she tries to escape, he casually grabs her, throws her back, and enjoys the 'cat and mouse' game. Eventually he frees her. Then she smiles brightly, moves to his bed, and invites him to join her.

These simple films (in many variations) are frequent in Bollywood. Why would you expect many males to think differently; to know this fantasy is wrong? After all, many if not most adults only believe what they are first told. The movie producers may claim this is only a fantasy; that adults know better. Untrue for for so many adults. Many adults only make decisions based upon their feelings. It feels good so it must be right. Therefore are easily brainwashed by these films. Many adults who are still children cannot understand what they saw in a movie might be is wrong or hurtful. After all, once the girl was freed, then she was happy and invited him into his bed. Many adults only believe the first thing they are told. And know only from their emotions.

You may believe rape is wrong. But they don't. True adults view themselves as only a tiny part of a larger world. Children view themselves as the center of a universe. Children do not yet have that part of the brain that can see the larger picture. These rapists are adults still thinking like children. As children, they view this fantasy as actually nothing more than a harmless 'cat and mouse' game. They know only because the feel. Because, as children, they only know the first thing told. Feelings must be truth since children only see a world that revolves around them. It feels right so it must be right. They are encouraged by so many films where the once captured girl now wants sex because she has been freed.
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