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Old 02-19-2014, 06:10 PM   #1
Now living the life of a POW
Join Date: Dec 2012
Location: The Lost Corners of Colorado
Posts: 202
PA town gets free Pizza in exchange for explosion, toxic chemicals and 5 day fire!

(Who says Big Oil doesn't care about the little guy?)

You guys in PA get ALL the breaks. Here in Colorado when an illegal gold ore milling operation (named “Red Arrow” for some unknowable reason) in my town of Mancos was discovered to be contaminating the town drinking water supply with mercury, first the state of Colorado told us, “No worries! You’re all mad as hatters out there, anyhow; so drink up.” (Coors – brewed with pure Rocky Mountain Spring Water!). The owner of Red Arrow, now hiding out under a deep snow drift somewhere up in the San Juans, recently sent out a message tied to the horn of a Rocky Mountain goat: “Catch me if you can. Besides, I am not a crook!” For some reason, residents of Mancos do not feel re-assured by either the word out of the state capital 400 miles away in Denver or proclamations written by the frost bitten fingers of our latest outlaw due for a good hanging. Coloradans do like their Coors, though (there’s no accounting for some people’s taste or lack there-of), and Mancos residents have not touched a drop of water since last summer. Instead, they have been guzzling and paying out of their own pockets for an average of one case of Coors per resident per day.

Then there’s the treatment given to Pennsylvania residents when some outfit is responsible for an environmental disaster in one of YOUR towns. Even our British cousins were impressed. As the Brits reported in the Daily Mail:

When the tiny town of Bobtown, Pa. was stirred by an explosion at a nearby Chevron fracking site last week, residents feared toxic chemicals were being released into the air as a fire raged for five days.

Chevron sprung into action, attempting to calm the town with an apology letter that included a small token of appreciation for putting up with a terrifying explosion, according to a Gizmodo report.

The oil giant threw in a coupon for one free pizza and a 2-liter bottle of soda for citizens' troubles. But it's not just any pizza – it's a special combo pizza that's only redeemable before May 1.
OK, fess up, Wolf. You visited the CEO of Chevron and made him call in for a pizza delivery at gunpoint. Admit it.

Chevron's letter of apology:
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Last edited by IamSam; 02-19-2014 at 06:19 PM.
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Old 02-20-2014, 06:34 AM   #2
St Petersburg, Florida
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Your link needs a bit of a fix to come up properly and is not actually as described, from the Daily Mail.
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Old 02-20-2014, 09:17 AM   #3
Radical Centrist
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Real link is here, read and interpret for yourself:

A big boom and then get pizza? That's every Saturday night for us. HEY-oooooo
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Old 02-20-2014, 03:19 PM   #4
Now living the life of a POW
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Location: The Lost Corners of Colorado
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Originally Posted by slang View Post
Your link needs a bit of a fix to come up properly and is not actually as described, from the Daily Mail.
Sorry to lead you down a dead end road, Slang. I forget that the Cellar doesn't have quite the same method for posting a link as some of the other boards I frequent. Anyhow, I first read the story on Wunderground.con when I was checking the weather report (I use ".con" deliberately since Wunderground is such a treasure trove of weather mis-information for my area that I read it mostly for the amusement factor. Here's the link for the weather.con story: which says in part: "A copy of the letter distributed to Bobtown residents and the coupon is below, as posted by the Daily Mail" which is the link UT gave.

At any rate, Colorado has the Coors and a bad case of the munchies from all that legal recreational marijuana and Pennsylvania has all those pizzas. I suggest residents of each state bring their respective goodies and meet in the middle - say, Kentucky at Gravdigr's place - and have one hell of a wake for the environment of each state. Kentucky with its coal mines can join in the fun if they supply some decent moonshine.
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Old 02-25-2014, 03:25 PM   #5
The Un-Tuckian
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My house and yard is a bit small...but, if we wait til warmer weather, I lease a pretty little spot on the river...

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Old 02-26-2014, 10:35 AM   #6
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The Pittsburgh Post Gazette.
The descent of man ~ Nixon, Friedman, Reagan, Trump.
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